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I'm an emotional health coach who helps high achieving women LOVE and leverage their emotions for greater success & fulfillment
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Hey friends! Moving toward positive thinking can make the world of difference in how you feel. In fact, having a positive mindset can help improve your self-esteem! So, today I want to talk about why we’re negative and 5 steps to switching to a positive mindset for good.
I’m the first person that will tell you that adopting a positive attitude isn’t easy. Especially when you’re used to seeing things negatively or ‘realistically’. But the thing is, no matter how amazing or tough your situation is, it’s all about your perspective.
Personally, I was raised with a lot of negativity at home. And that definitely rubbed off on me. Actually, I was always the one who was trying to be cool by being a Negative Nancy. Because for me, being positive seemed so cheesy. And I truly saw the world in a negative light.
However, nowadays I see that being optimistic makes my heart and my life feel light. And even though it’s still challenging for me to think positively, I work on it every day. And it’s worth the work!
Honestly, it can be overwhelming to make this switch. Merely saying, “Ok I’m going to be a positive person now!” can be daunting. Also, it can totally set yourself up for failure if you don’t take gradual steps toward it.
So how can you take small steps toward positivity?
The first thing is to understand why you’re negative. No, you’re not just randomly negative. If you can understand your own reasoning for why you act a certain way, then you can be compassionate toward yourself when you revert to that behavior.
For example, you have a rough day where you just can’t think any positive thoughts. Instead of beating yourself up about it, you could say, “That’s ok, I understand why I feel this way. I’ll try again tomorrow.”
If you think about it, being negative actually serves a purpose for you. In fact, you probably have a very logical reason for practicing a negative perspective. Here are some of the main reasons people have a negative mindset:
While there are many more reasons you might have a negative perspective, the above are the basics.
Additionally, there might be some deeper issues behind your negativity. If you find that it comes from baggage you haven’t yet worked through, consider seeing a therapist to help you resolve it.
Honestly, examining where your negativity comes from can be hard to look at. But taking a good look at it is the first step toward embracing optimism.
Now that you have an idea of where your negative attitude comes from, the next step is truly resolving to change it.
This is actually a very important step! Since shifting your mindset is a long-term project, you need to be fully committed to it as a daily practice. Otherwise, when you have relapses it can be harder to continue toward positivity.
Promising yourself that you’re going to adopt a positive attitude can come in a few forms. For example, you could write it down in a journal or write a contract to yourself. “I now promise myself to see life positively.” Then you could keep that contract on your nightstand and read it each night to remind yourself of your commitment.
Currently, I have a note that says “think positive” on my fridge. I put it there to remind myself that I’m choosing positivity.
Another thing you could do is tell another person about your resolution. Ideally, it would be someone who is positive and could support you along the way.
Resolving every single day to change your mindset is an important step toward positivity.
Another part of making lasting change is by imagining and feeling it coming true. By imagining yourself as a positive person, you’re teaching your brain to make it happen.
However, the most powerful way to make internal changes is with feeling. If you spend time feeling what it feels like to be the positive version of yourself, you’ll be able to believe that it’s possible.
Personally, I like to spend between 5 and 20 minutes most days meditating on the good things I want for myself. I imagine myself feeling amazing and positive. I also feel the light that I can share with others when I’m positive. Just thinking about it now makes me feel light and happy.
Taking time to imagine yourself shifting toward positivity is a powerful way to make it happen!
One way to strengthen your resolve to change is by choosing affirmations to repeat each day.
My very favorite source for positive affirmations is this website. Not only do they have positivity affirmations, they also have them for countless other topics as well.
Here are a few of my favorites about positive thinking from this site:
Personally, I like to write my affirmations down in my notebook. Then I take them out in the morning and at night and say them out loud. Alternatively, you can put them in your phone. Just remember to say them every day!
By repeating affirmations, you can help yourself become more positive each day.
And, oh will the relapses come. But that’s ok! It’s just another opportunity to keep reinforcing positivity in your life.
But doesn’t it make sense to relapse? This is an entire mindset you’re trying to change! Of course there will be setbacks, but that doesn’t mean you’ve failed. It just takes a while to shift.
So, remember to go easy on yourself when you realize you’re thinking more negatively than positively. Then choose to get back on board with positive thinking.
It’s all about consistently going back to the positivity, no matter how many times you relapse.
Choosing to become a positive person helps me feel so much happier. Even though it’s still an ongoing project for me, it makes all the difference in how I feel about myself and my life. And you deserve that too.
What about you? Do you practice positivity? Tell me in the comments!
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