Hey friends! I’m really enjoying this month’s theme, Self-Esteem September. And I think we can all use a boost in how we feel from time to time. So, if you’re looking for ways to feel better, here are 40 ways to positively grow your self-esteem.
40 Ways to Positively Grow Your Self-Esteem
To start off, it’s so important to feel good about yourself. Because when we feel good, we accomplish so much more and inspire others.
That being said, everyone has down moments and off days. So, when that happens there are countless things to do to help yourself feel better.
If you’re in need of a self-esteem boost, here are 40 ways to positively increase your self-esteem.
Write down how you’re currently feeling in a journal
Think of three things you’re grateful for and feel that gratitude
Take Care of Your Body
Go for a walk
Get in a sweaty workout
Go grocery shopping for healthy food and…
Prep your meals for the upcoming week
Actually bring your reusable bags to the grocery store
Make yourself a delicious, healthy meal
Get Organized With Your Goals
Plan out your week on Sunday nights
Set a tiny goal and achieve it
Tell a friend about a goal you achieved
Treat Yourself to Self-Care
Do something you really enjoy and savor it
Treat yourself to a bath
Do a face mask
Shave your legs
Give yourself a mani/pedi
Buy a new piece of clothing that makes you feel amazing
Buy yourself some cute, new underwear
Get your hair trimmed
Spend a little extra time styling your hair
Get Connected and Feel Better
Call a loved one and tell them they’re important to you
Call a loved one just to see how they’re doing
Introduce yourself to a neighbor you don’t know yet
Give a coworker a compliment
Make plans with a friend for dinner, a movie or drinks
Do something nice for someone you love
Help out a stranger in need
Sign up to volunteer and go do it Try Something New
Try a new hobby
Learn to play an instrument
Finish a book
Well, there you have it!
Remember, Self-Esteem Fluctuates
While some of these might seem insignificant, doing them can actually improve how you feel about yourself. Since self-esteem is flexible and NOT static, doing something small can be the nice, quick boost you need.
Additionally, when you do something with the intention of increasing your self-esteem, even if it’s small, it does help. The trick is to do something each day to improve how you feel.
To sum it up, boosting your self-esteem is something you have to repeatedly do. It’s a life-long practice, but it’s in your control to improve how you feel.
What helps you feel like your best self? Tell me in the comments below!
And at this point, there’s no turning back.
You’ve found your itinerary to embracing your emotions,
one that hugs, heals, and hits different.
And at this point, there’s no turning back.
You’ve found your itinerary to embracing your emotions,