Tips and tricks for emotions and articles full of feels!

Welcome to the Holly Soulié Blog


As someone who has felt responsible for other people’s emotions a lot, it can be hard to know when I’m even doing it! So, here are 3 signs youre taking on other peoples emotions.

3 Signs You’re Taking on Other People’s Emotions

Emotional Tools, Uncategorized

Hey friends. One of the things I’ve been working on this past year is my social anxiety. Since I’m still settling in my new city, I’m still trying to make friends and create community for myself. So, I came up with a meditation to feel safe with new people and I want to share it […]

A Simple Meditation to Ease Social Anxiety

5 steps to switching to a positive mindset for good
Emotional Tools, Uncategorized

Hey friends! Moving toward positive thinking can make the world of difference in how you feel. In fact, having a positive mindset can help improve your self-esteem! So, today I want to talk about why we’re negative and 5 steps to switching to a positive mindset for good.

5 Steps to Switching to A Positive Mindset for Good


Self-Esteem September continues! So, if you’re looking for ways to feel better, here are 40 ways to positively grow your self-esteem.

40 Ways to Positively Grow Your Self-Esteem

Emotional Tools

Continuing with Self-Esteem September, today we’re talking…how we talk about ourselves. For me, improving my inner voice has made a big difference in how I feel about myself. Find out the 5 steps to having a more positive inner voice below.

5 Steps to a More Positive Inner Voice

Healing Baggage

Sometimes past trauma and buried emotions can really weigh you down. Here are 5 signs that your emotional baggage is holding you back.

5 Signs Your Emotional Baggage is Holding You Back

Self-Love, Uncategorized

Hey there! Did you know that perfectionism is closely linked to anxiety? Yikes. If you’re like me, you probably catch yourself trying to be perfect pretty often. And other times, you don’t even notice you’re doing it. So, how can you recognize the signs that you’re trying to be perfect? And what do you do […]

4 Signs You’re Trying to be Perfect and How to Stop

But it hasn't always been this way! For years, I ran as far as I could from my feelings. I was so disconnected from myself that I didn't know who I was and felt completely lost. My life was far from how I longed for it to be.

Until the day I discovered how gooood it feels to let your emotions flow. After taking a self-awareness course, I experienced the pure joy of allowing myself to actually feel. All the anger, the sadness, the frustration...

Ever since then I'm on a mission to teach women to embrace the power of their emotions.

I believe emotions are the inner GPS. Following their signals takes you on the journey to discover who you actually are!

Hey, I'm Holly. 

And at this point, there’s no turning back.

You’ve found your itinerary to embracing your emotions,

one that hugs, heals, and hits different.

And at this point, there’s no turning back.

You’ve found your itinerary to embracing your emotions,

one that hugs, heals, and hits different.